Disclaimer - My Pet Support

Disclaimer - My Pet Support Website
The My Pet Support website (www.mypetsup.com) hosts 5 static pages and a Blog Page with a number of articles, all of which are simply my personal views and thoughts on various pet parenting topics. The information on this website is provided “as is,” with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or practicality.
This website’s content is purely informative, hopefully entertaining, and very general in nature, and should never be construed as professional or qualified Pet Care Advice. This website contains no veterinarian advice and should never be misconstrued as such.
If your much-loved pet is experiencing any health or behavioural issues, you should take your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. As all content on this website is submitted as my own personal views and opinions, anything you read should in fact be taken with a ‘grain of salt’. No information on this website has been verified by a veterinarian.
Any information on this website should never be used to prevent, treat, or diagnose any medical conditions that your pet may be suffering from or have. All visitors to this website are very welcome, and I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit. However, by reading this disclaimer, you agree to the content of this Disclaimer and understand that there are risks and limitations associated with online articles written by untrained, unprofessional authors such as myself.
You must understand that none of the pages or blog articles on this website were ever intended to be taken as veterinary or pet health professional advice. Nothing on this website is intended to be a replacement for veterinary care for your pets or animals. When compiling the information on this website, I did not consult with any veterinarian or pet health professional.
You are solely responsible for taking your pet to a Veterinarian for professional pet health advice. No page or Blog article on this website will ever be able to diagnose, treat, or prescribe dietary advice or any form of medicine for your pet. If you believe your pet is sick, injured, or requires medical attention, call your veterinarian or a local emergency animal hospital right away.
My Pet Support website static pages and Blog articles are NOT intended to be a substitute for emergency veterinary care or to provide advice or consultations regarding immediate emergency care.
Any content, questions, or comments posted or submitted on the My Pet Support Website are publicly accessible to other website users if I approve them. As a result, you recognise that you should not post any personal or sensitive information. Furthermore, all comments submitted on the site automatically become the property of www.mypetsup.com, and I reserve the right to edit, reproduce, and post your questions or comments on my site if I so desire.
If you ask a question or leave a comment in the comments section of any page or blog on this website and it appears that you are offering very specific pet health advice, I may choose to remove it from view unless you can prove that you are a fully qualified veterinarian or pet health professional. As previously stated, any information on this website is intended to be very general in nature. Finally, you understand and acknowledge that by using the My Pet Support Website, you do so entirely at your own risk and that you are solely responsible for the care of your own pets.
You should not rely on any information I provide on this website; I am not responsible for your pets’ health and safety; you are. You agree that the My Pet Support Website is not liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage resulting from your use of any information on this website. I adore all animals and would never wish anything bad to happen to yours. I enjoy writing about pets, but it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that your pet receives proper veterinary care. Again, you must not substitute any content from this website for a visit to the veterinarian.
Only veterinarians who examine your pet can give you veterinary advice or diagnose your pet’s medical situation. I am not liable for any pet owners who fail to take their pets to the veterinarian as a result of anything they read on this website. If you are visiting this site because your pet is sick, please contact a veterinarian or Pet Hospital right away!
You should also be aware that none of the information on this website constitutes animal behaviour advice. Before acting or taking any information on this website seriously, keep in mind that if you have any problems with your pet, you must take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible. If your pet has any health concerns, you should never put off seeing a professional veterinarian.
My Pet Support, www.mypetsup.com, accepts no responsibility for any harm, damage, or loss that you may suffer as a result of your use and access to this website or its contents, including loss of data, loss of profits, interruption of business, and damage or loss caused to your hardware, software, or data management systems. This includes you, the website user, taking full responsibility for any viruses, worms, or corrupting code or data. You use this website at your own risk. If you download any information or files from this website, you do so at your own risk. My Pet Support makes no guarantee that downloads are free of corrupting computer code, such as viruses and worms.
You, the website visitor, agree that if you cause damage to this website, you agree to reimburse My Pet Support for all costs as a condition of viewing. You waive any and all claims for damages of any kind based on the information contained on this website. Any information on this website should not be interpreted as pet health advice or direct instructions.
You agree that My Pet Support is not liable for any potential harm or loss, no matter how severe, whether physical, spiritual, or emotional, foreseeable or unforeseeable, personal, pet-related (in any way), or commercial in nature. You are always responsible for your actions and those of your pet, including any injuries to you, your pet, third parties, or other pets or animals.